Tried to make lemon pudding. Didn’t happen.

A while back, I tried to make lemon pudding, or, as Gran calls it, “Eve’s Yummy pudding”. This is by far the most basic, easy thing I have ever made. I failed.


1 x 300mL bottle of cream

1 x can of condensed milk

Juice of three lemons. Alternatively, if you’re like me, get a bottle of lemon juice and squeeze ’til you’re happy

4 wine glasses

A pinch of disaster (Not pictured. It vaguely resembles someone swearing profusely.)


First, I used my brand new (old) SwiftWhip handbeater, given to me by a devoted reader (thanks, Gran!), to whip me up some cream. Got sick of it halfway through and bullied Flatmate #2 into doing it instead.

Folded in condensed milk and lemon juice. I don’t think Flatmate #2 whipped the cream well enough, as it was kind of soupy at the end, instead of fluffy. Oh well.


Spooned it into glasses. Made a hell of a mess and had a hell of a time. Put on “Eye of the Tiger” to complement my cooking.


Was a bit late to set them in the fridge, so I put them in the freezer instead. Opened the door later, forgetting about the puddings.


I censored the rest of this post.

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2 Responses to Tried to make lemon pudding. Didn’t happen.

  1. Tanya Cleworth says:

    Umm we will wait for a remake to see how they taste

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